var $$ = jQuery.noConflict(); function jRecorderWidgetPlaylistOnChange() { var currentPlaylist = $$("#jrecorder-widget-playlist").val(); var currentRecording = $$("#jrecorder-widget-saved-recording").val(); $$.post("", { action : 'loadRecordings', playlist : currentPlaylist }, function(response) { // Remove any previous options $$("#jrecorder-widget-recording").html(""); var songs = response.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) { // Separate the song name from its status (pipe separated) var arr2 = songs[i].split("|"); var songName = arr2[0]; var songStatus = arr2[1]; if ($$.trim(songStatus) == "") songStatus = "on"; // Skip inactive recordings if (songStatus != "on") continue; var isSelected = (songName == currentRecording) ? ' selected ' : ''; var html = ''; $$("#jrecorder-widget-recording").append(html); // Those two are needed, or some presentational bug appears $$("#jrecorder-widget-recording").css("width", "auto"); $$("#jrecorder-widget-recording").width("100%"); } // end for } ); // end $$.post } $$(document).ready( function() { var $$ = jQuery.noConflict(); // When playlist selection changes, reload the list with recordings $$("#jrecorder-widget-playlist").change( function() { jRecorderWidgetPlaylistOnChange(); } ); // end $$.change // Load all playlists $$.post("", { action : 'getPlaylists' }, function(response) { if (response.indexOf("ERROR") > -1) { response = response.replace(/\<.*?\>/g, ""); alert(response); return; } var currentPlaylist = $$("#jrecorder-widget-saved-playlist").val(); var playlists = response.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) { var playlist = $$.trim(playlists[i]); if (playlist.length == 0) { playlists.splice(i--, 1); continue; } var isSelected = (playlist == currentPlaylist) ? ' selected ' : ''; var html = ''; $$("#jrecorder-widget-playlist").append(html); } // Force loading of list with recordings $$("#jrecorder-widget-playlist").change(); } ); // end $$.post } );